Thursday 16 June 2011

How to eat healthy foodstuff in circumstance you hate vegetables 

Most persons want to consume healthy, but have a very difficult time due to they simply really do not such as the way nutritious foods tastes. there can be a few options if you ever can’t remain veggies: take other nutritious foods, or discover to like vegetables. on this instruct we’ll give you some recommendations for together routes.

Healthy foods that can be NOT Vegetables
Salmon – the top source of Omega-3 oily acids out there. include some olive essential oil andgarlic and toss it in the BBQ. it is astounding just about every time.

Nuts – Almonds and walnuts in certain are fantastic sources of Omega-3’s and really are a nicely well balanced source of healthy proteins and fine fats.
Blueberries – if you are looking for a fresh fruit that is high in dietary fiber however cheap in the glycemic index, give blueberries a try.

Papaya – high in beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium and potassium, papaya is usually a wonderfully nutritious fresh fruit to consume on a standard basis.
Making buddies with eco-friendly foods

While pursuing some belonging to the above points will assist you include other forms of nutritious foods to eat, the actuality continues to be that veggies ARE fine for you. For most people, they really do not like veggies for one particular belonging to the pursuing reasons:
Experience with badly ready veggies – numerous persons have had the unfortunate undergo of owning mystery veggies that were so overcooked as for being mush. veggies can be astounding –IF they are ready correctly. pick a veg that you’re uncertain about and appear online for any greatly ranked recipe and give it a try. you are going to be impressed at what fine planning will do.

Your flavor buds are not accustomed to them – If you’ve been living on a diet plan of soda , pizza and candy, your flavor buds will quite possibly have a very suit once you start consuming spinach, mushrooms or broccoli. In order to become accustomed to veggies you are going to will want to start consuming them on a standard schedule and start restricting the level of useless foods you consume. over time your flavor buds will change – seriously, they will.

If you need to consume nutritious food, the critical is to acquire nutritious foods you previously enjoy and include more of these into your diet. if you ever really do not like veggies attempt to take more healthily in conditions of the meat and fresh fruit sources. if you ever can, concern your self to try a brand new veg after 1 week (at least) and also you will probably just acquire a few you love, by doing this you can get every certainly one of the advantages from consuming healthy.

Friday 10 June 2011

Tips for Making Healthier Fast Food Choices

Healthy Fast Foods: Burger CHains
Fast food is cheap, convenient, filling, and to many of us it tastes good.  If you are eating out, a fast food restaurant is often the cheapest option, but unfortunately not a healthy one.  Eating just one fast food meal can pack enough calories, sodium and fat for an entire day or more. Eating fast food on a regular basis can lead to a host of different health problems, both physical and psychological.
Still, in a bad economy the quick-and-cheap temptation can often be hard to resist. As an informed customer, though, you can make healthier choices and still enjoy the price and convenience of fast food restaurants.

Tips for making healthy choices at fast food restaurants

  • Make careful menu selections – pay attention to the descriptions on the menu. Dishes labeled deep-fried, pan-fried, basted, batter-dipped, breaded, creamy, crispy, scalloped, Alfredo, au gratin or in cream sauce are usually high in calories, unhealthy fats or sodium. Order items with more vegetables and choose leaner meats.
  • Drink water with your meal. Soda is a huge source of hidden calories. One 32-oz Big Gulp with regular cola packs about 425 calories, so one Big Gulp can quickly gulp up a big portion of your daily calorie intake. Try adding a little lemon to your water or ordering unsweetened iced tea.
  • “Undress” your food. When choosing items, be aware of calorie- and fat-packed salad dressings, spreads, cheese, sour cream, etc. For example, ask for a grilled chicken sandwich without the mayonnaise. You can ask for a packet of ketchup or mustard and add it yourself, controlling how much you put on your sandwich.
  • Special order. Many menu items would be healthy if it weren't for the way they were prepared. Ask for your vegetables and main dishes to be served without the sauces. Ask for olive oil and vinegar for your salads or order the dressing "on the side" and spoon only a small amount on at a time. If your food is fried or cooked in oil or butter, ask to have it broiled or steamed.
  • Eat mindfully. Pay attention to what you eat and savor each bite. Chew your food more thoroughly and avoid eating on the run. Being mindful also means stopping before you are full. It takes time for our bodies to register that we have eaten. Mindful eating relaxes you, so you digest better, and makes you feel more satisfied.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Healthy Recipes For A Healthy Heart

We all crave for good health. High blood pressure or hypertension emerges as a ‘silent killer.’ Like a seasoned predator, it creeps up to us, that too, without letting us know of its presence and suddenly, at an odd moment, reveals its deadly fangs. It is not something that hits you and vanishes into thin air. It hits you and stays with you, and might prove lethal if proper measures are not taken. If you have already been brought down by hypertension, the best cure is precaution. And if you are yet to be hit by it, but do lead a life that makes you prone to it, the best way to deal with it is again precaution.

And where does precaution start? With your eating habits! Eating healthy keeps one healthy. A healthy diet for heart comprises of all such food that would supply sufficient nutrition while holding out all that might not be good for your heart.

Healthy food for your heart can, therefore, be called ‘safe food’ because it is least likely to cause any damage to your heart without compromising on the nutrition supply to your body. Most of such food comprises of green vegetables and fibrous food items.

Natural foods are considered to be most healthy and that is the primary reason behind their ever-increasing popularity. As a result we are seeing a great number of natural food stores coming up every other day all over the world. A great number of books have also been written, which sign praises of natural food.

Quite clearly organic foods are the healthiest available. They are nutritious and natural while the fast foods or ‘junk food’ that we have gotten so very used to is very unhealthy because these foods supply very little nourishment to our bodies and load us with lots of unwanted calories and harmful cholesterol. And harmful cholesterol is one of the major reasons for high blood pressure and even heart stroke.

These days due to the rising awareness, companies have started growing organic food without adding the chemicals used to make them grow faster and better. The chemicals used to enhance the growth and quality of these foods actually linger on and take away much of the advantage of living on a natural diet.
Therefore, for a healthy heart a balanced diet consisting of natural foods is important. This would also keep your blood pressure within manageable limits.

Friday 3 June 2011

Beat Stress: Emotional Eating Isn't Always Bad

Forget everything you've heard about stress-eating being a bad thing. If you put the right foods in your pie hole (i.e., not pie), noshing when your nerves are jangling can actually calm you down. And that's great news, because the last thing you need is more stress, which over time can increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity -- and the odds that you'll go ballistic on Mom when she asks, for the third time, what your unemployed fiancé does for a living. The following listed below are the best foods to soothe stress and can counteract the damage that chronic pressure does to your bod. Stock up on the lot of them so that when the tension rises you can beat stress instead of freaking out.

Almonds, Pistachios & Walnuts

When all hell breaks loose, reach for a handful of almonds. They're bursting with vitamin E, an antioxidant that bolsters the immune system. Almonds also contain B vitamins, which may help your body hold up during seriously unpleasant events (like getting a year's membership to as a present). About a quarter cup every day is all you need. Another easy way to get a fix is to switch from traditional PB to almond butter on high-tension days. (We like All Natural Barney Butter Almond Butter, $7,

Sick of almonds? Shell pistachios or crack walnuts. Both will help keep your heart from racing when things heat up. "We experience immediate cardiovascular responses to stress because of the 'fight or flight' response," says Sheila G. West, M.D., associate professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State. When stress strikes, the hormone adrenaline raises blood pressure to boost energy -- so you're prepared to run like hell if you need to. But because we seldom need to fight or flee (dodging your annoying aunt doesn't count), it's better to blunt the strain on your heart. A 2007 Penn State study led by Dr. West found that eating one and a half ounces (about a handful) of pistachios a day lowers blood pressure so your heart doesn't have to work overtime. Walnuts have also been found to lower blood pressure, both at rest and under stress, West says. Add about an ounce to salads, cereal, or oatmeal.


The next time stress has you hankering for a high-fat, creamy treat, skip the ice cream and try some homemade guacamole - the thick, rich texture can satisfy your craving and reduce those frantic feelings. Plus, the green wonders' double whammy of monounsaturated fat and potassium can lower blood pressure. (For a healthy recipe favorites in under 20 minutes, check out the WH Recipes homepage.) One of the best ways to reduce high blood pressure, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, is to get enough potassium -- and just half an avocado offers 487 milligrams, more than you'll get from a medium-size banana. To whip up your own avocado salad dressing, puree a medium avocado with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a dash of cayenne.

Skim Milk

Science backs up the old warm-milk remedy for insomnia and restlessness. Turns out calcium can reduce muscle spasms and soothe tension, says Mary Dallman, Ph.D., professor of physiology at the University of California, San Francisco. A glass of moo juice (preferably skim or 1 percent) may also reduce stressful PMS symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, and irritability. According to a 2005 study from the Archives of Internal Medicine, women who drank four or more servings of low-fat or skim milk per day had a 46 percent lower risk of pre-period misery than women who had no more than one serving per week.

10 Fruits Healthiest Foods

The following is a "healthy food hot list" consisting of the 10 fruit that will give you the biggest nutritional bang for you caloric buck, as well as decrease your risk for deadly illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Along with each description is a suggestion as to how to incorporate these power-foods into your diet. If you're searching for more tips on healthier living, take a direct approach to your health and wellness by customizing your individual health insurance needs. 

01. Apricots
The Power:  Beta-carotene, which helps prevent free-radical damage and protect the eyes. The body also turns beta-carotene into vitamin A, which may help ward off some cancers, especially of the skin. One apricot has 17 calories, 0 fat, 1 gram of fiber. Snacks on them dried, or if you prefer fresh, buy when still firm; once they soften, they lose nutrients. 

02. Avocados
The Power:  Oleic acid, an unsaturated fat that helps lower overall cholesterol and raise levels of HDL, plus a good dose of fiber. One slice has 81 calories, 8 grams of fat and 3 grams of fiber. Try a few slices instead of mayonnaise to dress up your next burger. 

03. Raspberries
The Power:  Ellagic acid, which helps stall cancer-cell growth. These berries are also packed with vitamin C and are high in fiber, which helps prevent high cholesterol and heart disease. A cup has only 60 calories, 1 gram of fat and 8 grams of fiber. Top plain low-fat yogurt or oatmeal (another high fiber food) with fresh berries. 

05. Cantaloupe
The Power:  Vitamin C (117mg in half a melon, almost twice the recommended daily dose) and beta-carotene - both powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from free-radical damage. Plus, half a melon has 853mg of potassium - almost twice as much as a banana, which helps lower blood pressure. Half a melon has 97 calories, 1 gram of fat and 2 grams of fiber. Cut into cubes and freeze, then blend into an icy smoothie. 

06. Cranberry Juice
The Power:  Helps fight bladder infections by preventing harmful bacteria from growing. A cup has 144 calories, 0 grams of fat and 0 fiber. Buy 100 percent juice concentrate and use it to spice up your daily H20 without adding sugar. 

07. Tomato
The Power:  Lycopene, one of the strongest carotenoids, acts as an antioxidant. Research shows that tomatoes may cut the risk of bladder, stomach and colon cancers in half if eaten daily. A tomato has 26 calories, 0 fat and 1 gram of fiber. Drizzle fresh slices with olive oil, because lycopene is best absorbed when eaten with a little fat. 

08. Raisins
The Power:  These little gems are a great source of iron, which helps the blood transport oxygen and which many women are short on. A half-cup has 218 calories, 0 fat and 3 grams of fiber. Sprinkle raisins on your morning oatmeal or bran cereal - women, consider this especially during your period. 

09. Figs
The Power:  A good source of potassium and fiber, figs also contain vitamin B6, which is responsible for producing mood-boosting serotonin, lowering cholesterol and preventing water retention. The Pill depletes B6, so if you use this method of birth control, make sure to get extra B6 in your diet. One fig has 37 to 48 calories, 0 fat and 2 grams of fiber. (Cookie lovers - fig bars have around 56 calories, 1 gram of fat and 1 gram of fiber per cookie). Fresh figs are delicious simmered alongside a pork tenderloin and the dried variety make a great portable gym snack. 

10. Lemons and Limes
The Power:  Limonene, furocoumarins and vitamin C, all of which help prevent cancer. A wedge has 2 calories, 0 fat and 0 fiber. Buy a few of each and squeeze over salads, fish, beans and vegetables for fat free flavor. See also: Beneficial Bytes: Lemons and Limes.

How To Develop Good Eating Habits Through Healthy Food For Children?

There are various healthy foods for children available in the market today that the children need to eat. These foods may not be the ones that they often find in the refrigerator for snacks. In order to make sure that we have healthy children it is important to provide healthy food options to them. Healthy food for kids are those that provide good solid nutritional value but at the same time they appeal to children. Children might enjoy foods like carrots and fruits, which taste good and also have high nutritional value. 

It is the responsibility of both parents to make sure healthy food options are included in their child's diet. Getting children to eat food that is healthy can be quite a challenge, especially when it comes to snacks like cookies, candies and cakes. There are a number of ways you can help promote healthy eating for children and lead them onto the right nutritional path to making good food choices. The first thing to do is to eradicate any unhealthy eating habits in children. Unhealthy food habits may include maximum consumption of high processed foods or food with high sugar level. It is also a good idea to remove things like high sugar juices and soft drinks from home in order to promote healthier drinking habits.
Once the home has been cleared of all unhealthy foods, bringing in healthy alternatives when shopping is the next step. Avoid purchasing foods that contain materials that are being avoided come up with interesting ways to present healthy foods in the forms of snacks in order to keep children interested in taking part of a healthy lifestyle. It will take a while for everyone in the household, especially children who are used to eating large quantities of junk food to get used to a healthier food habits. It may be necessary to purchase smaller quantities of the foods that are to be avoided and slowly wean everyone off of those foods since some of the materials can be addictive. 

It is not however impossible to promote a healthy lifestyle at any point of time in a child's life, though it is best to start promoting a healthy lifestyle at a young age. It is not uncommon to start promoting healthy eating habits once children reach preteen and teen years, the important thing is to make sure that healthy eating habits are established and that the basis of good health is established. Once these habits have been established, it is quite easy for children to make their own food choices that are healthy and best for them.

Another way to promote healthy eating especially if there is a large issue with the amount of time it takes to prepare healthy meals there are some alternatives. Pre-make the entrees, freeze them and then simply reheat along with side dishes or make entire plates and vacuum pack them to be taken out and reheat individually.